Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday Torture

This was my monday.  Woke up at 6:30 and got ready for the day.  Got to school at 8 and started reading the short story one girl wrote for my class at 9.  Critiqued it.  9-10 I had my short story class.  10-11 I had mission prep.  11-11:15 meeting with a teaching on revising some work.  11:15-12:45 studied for test.  12:45-1 worked on a test handed out in mission prep.  1-2 went to english class.  2-2:15 finished studying for test.  2:15-2:30 took test and got a 97% (yeah, I'm just that amazing that I can finish a 100 problem test in 15 and pass with a 97).  Went home after test.  2:30-3 ate lunch and relaxed.  3-4 started planning a poem and doing research for it.  4-5 couldn't keep my eyes open any so I took a nap.  5-8 worked on that dang poem.  8-11:30 wrote 6 pages of my 12 page paper.  11:30-11:45 took a shower.  11:45 took quiz on Blackboard (got 100%).  Midnight: writing a blog post.

And this is why I hate mondays.  To bad tomorrow won't be much better.  Here is my list for tuesday of things I need to get done.

1. Read chapter in floral design book
2. Floral design class were a test will be handed out on the chapter I just read
3. Finish revising my poem because its horrible right now
4. Go to poetry class and turn said poem in
5. Run to Barnes and Noble to find cookbooks or stuff written about cookbooks for my paper
6. Hopefully get Tricia and Whitney to call me back so I can interview them (wink wink)
7. Finish my 12 page paper up (I'm taking advantage of the key word of a rough draft...it is going to be mightly rough)
8. Read and critique short stories for class on wednesday
9. Study for GRE
10. Study for floral design test (it is harder than you think)
11. Breathe

Wednesday cannot come soon enough.


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