Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Samson and Delilah

This is my Pineapple, Samson.  I thought I would make his name big because he's just that Awesome!!!!!!!  Samson and I have been together for 2 weeks now and it has been the best two weeks of my life.  Samson will be ready to eat in 4-6 months and I can hardly wait until we get to play Samson and Delilah where I get to cut his top off.  Yeah that's all.  I'll probably blog about him later as he grows up and gets close to his feeding me time.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Blog

So my mom told to start a new blog about my life as a dyslexic. Well I have done just that and have titled it Letters of a Dyslexic. You should totally check it out at lettersofadyslexic.blogspot.com. The end.